Your bird's diet is one of the most important considerations in it's overall care. Parrots eat a wide variety of foods in the wild and will thrive on many of the same foods in a healthy human diet. They can be fed the same grains, vegetables, fruit and meats that your family enjoys.
Grains, Breads, and Cereals: These foods can make up approximately 50% of daily food intake.
Fresh Vegetables: Vegetables can account for 45% of your birds daily diet. Fresh vegetables are best for vitamin content but may be supplemented with cooked vegetables from the family table if these are not seasoned too highly. Frozen vegetables (thawed in the microwave) are acceptable when fresh vegetables are not in season.
Fruit: Fruit should be offered in limited amounts. Fruit in combination with the protein and calcium foods that follow can make up the remaining 5% of your birds daily intake.
Protein Foods: Protein foods include meats, nuts or other mature legumes (cooked navy beans, kidney beans, lentils, etc.)
